Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Day 9: The Golden Age of Video

The following video was brought to my attention by my mate and colleague Nick Papa. I loved it so much I downloaded it and regularly use it in my dance classes!

I love TV :)

Monday, 29 August 2011

Day 8: Sylvie Guillem - "Wet Woman" (Mats Ek)

It's sometimes quite hard to explain what contemporary dance is. I trained as a contemporary dancer and teach it at my local dance school. Below is a video I saw on TV back when I was a teenager that inspired me to push myself and opened my eyes to other genres of dance. What better example is there other than Mats Ek's 'Wet Woman' performed by Sylvie Guillem:

This will be the first of many dance related videos that I'll be sharing x

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Day 4: Bed Intruder

So, there's two parts to this video. The first is the original footage:

Then some really clever peeps decided it would be good to add the audio to music - what they call 'autotune the news':

It's rediculously catchy (it's actually now my ringtone!). Now watch the original again and I bet you can't get thru it without hearing this song!

I love youtube!!!!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Day 3 - DubStep Mime!

This just tickles me! His expressions are fab - and the iron in the background makes it even better ;)